Hi everybody. Here is some information about Struck, the theater piece we’re going to see on Friday, December 6. Tickets will be $15. Please let me know as soon as possible if you have a conflict. I’ll get you more details about logistics when I have them.
STRUCK, by NACL Theatre
HERE Arts Center, NYC
December 5-21, 2013
Created and Performed by Brett Keyser (actor), Tannis Kowalchuk (actor), Allison Waters (neuroscientist)
Created and Directed by Ker Wells
Dramaturgy and texts by Kristen Kosmas
Lighting Design by Stephen Arnold
Costumes by Karen Flood
Technical Direction by Woodstock Stage and Screen
Co-produced by Cleveland Public Theatre
TIMES HERALD RECORD “A symphonic and turbulent play that weaves through moments of harrowing realism and enchanting vulnerability…” http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130525/ENTERTAIN/130529773
“Your synapses are going to light up in new and different ways when experiencing this amazing event.” From Christine Howey of struck at CPT – 03.24.13 http://raveandpan.blogspot.com/2013/03/struck-cleveland-public-theatre.html
“Keyser and Kowalchuk are arresting performers who are fascinating to watch.” Andrea Simakis reviews struck for Plain Dealer(Cleveland) – 03.27.13 http://www.cleveland.com/onstage/index.ssf/2013/03/struck_at_cleveland_public_the.html
“…an exceptional piece of literature that also happens to be a show. …unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.” struck @ Cleveland Public Theatre – 03.28.13 http://new102.cbslocal.com/2013/03/28/korys-review-struck-cleveland-public-theatre/