Inventing the Self


Ned Block, Review of Self Comes to Mind – By Antonio Damasio (NYTimes)

Regina Borreca, “Defining Madness: Examining Agnes’s Jacket and Alias Grace” (Psychology Today review of Hornstein’s Agnes’s Jacket)

Rita Carter, Multiplicity (Chapter 1)

Rita Carter, Multiplicity (Chapter 6)

Andy Clark, “Where Brain, Body, and World Collide”

Antonio Damasio, The Feeling of What Happens (Chapter 1)

Antonio & Hanna Damasio, “Minding the Body”

Daniel Dennett, Chapters 1 & 2 from Consciousness Explained

Paul John Eakin, “Autobiographical Consciousness: Body, Brain, Self, and Narrative” (Chapter 2, Living Autobiographically)

Michel Foucault, Hermeneutics of the Subject (Lectures at the College de France, 1981-1982)

Sigmund Freud, “Creative Writers and Daydreaming”

Mark Gaipa, “Breaking into the Conversation: How Students Can Acquire Authority in Their Writing”

Mark Gaipa, “8 Strategies for Critically Engaging Sources”

Gordon Harvey, “Elements of the Academic Essay”

Gail A. Hornstein, Agnes’s Jacket: A Psycnologist’s Search for the Meanings of Madness, Ch. 1-5

Siri Hustvedt, “Three Emotional Stories: Reflections on Memory, the Imagination, Narrative, and the Self”

Davi Johnson, “How Do You Know Unless You Look: Brain Imaging, Biopower, and Practical Neuroscience”

Steven Johnson, “Scan Thyself” (from Mind Wide Open)

János László, The Science of Stories (Chapter 7)

Joseph LeDoux, from Synaptic Self (Ch 1: “Seeking the Self”

Joseph LeDoux, from Synaptic Self (Ch. 11: “Who Are You?”

Emily Martin, Mind-Body Problems

Dan McAdams, The Stories We Live By (Chapter1)

Dan McAdams, The Stories We Live By (Chapter 5)

John J. McCarthy & Peter Wright, Technology as Experience

Simon McCarthy-Jones, Hearing Voices (Chapter 5)

Simon McCarthy-Jones, Hearing Voices (Chapter 8)

Scott McCloud, Understanding Comics (Chapter 1)

Scott McCloud, Understanding Comics (Chapter 6)

Mizuko Ito, Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out: Kids Living and Learning with New Media

Victoria Pitts-Taylor, “Social Brains. Embodimentand. and NeuroInteractionism”

Victoria Pitts-Taylor, “Neuro Cultures Manifesto”

Deboleena Roy, “Asking Different Questions: Feminist Practices for the Natural Sciences”

Jason Tougaw, “Brain Memoirs, Neuroscience, and the Self”

Jason Tougaw, “Aplysia californica”

Sherry Turkle, Alone Together (Introduction)

Sherry Turkle, Alone Together (Chapter 8)

Sherry Turkle, Alone Together (Chapter12)

UND Human Development Report 2013: The Rise of the South: Human Progress in a Diverse World

Lisa Zunshine, “Theory of Mind and Fictional Consciousness”

Lisa Zunshine, “What Is Cognitive Cultural Studies”

Lisa Zunshine, “What to Expect When You Pick Up a Graphic Novel”

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